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Name: Mark Jones
Organization: APCi
Mark Jones is the founder and president of Applied Publishing Concepts, Inc. We specialize in increasing the linkages between the online and paper worlds so that readers can enjoy the pleasure of reading a print book but with seamless access to the infinite resources of the internet.
He has written unpublished fiction, as well as haiku poetry that has been published online and in book form. He currently edits for a Toronto author, Elliott Moglica, and has worked on twelve of his publications since 2015, covering poetry, prose and a textbook.
Prior to the focus on publishing technology, Mark spent many years at IBM leading information technology and business products for clients, after which he has participated in startups. His social media presence is extensive on Quora, where he answers questions on idiomatic English usage. He can also be found on Twitter and Instagram.
Information Technology Consulting
Editing – focus on authors whose first language is not English
Available for:
Conversations about leveraging technology for writing and publishing
Short editing projects
Haiku in my Back Yard Volume 1 (available on Amazon – note this is a concept book for author/reader collaboration, enabled by APCi technology)
Available for:
Conversations about leveraging technology for writing and publishing
Short editing projects